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Client Testimonials

If you have had a good experience with Recovery Vision, please share your testimony. Your sharing maybe the help someone else needs to step out of their comfort zone and onto the path of Recovery.

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One Day at a Time...

I am extremely blessed to have such a lovely person as part of my journey. Being able to converse easily and openly has always been an issue for me however not only was Allie able to tear down that wall, she gave me confidence and courage. She considers my individual circumstances and focuses on giving me the extra support I needed. I am forever grateful for Allie's dedication, wisdom and open heart. I am finally confident that I can live a healthy and sober life successfully, one day at a time. 

Tara A. 


As a social worker in the community, I have witnessed first hand the devastation addiction causes in families. I look to refer to individuals who can help not only to the person in recovery but those that love them. Allie is a special provider. She is truly committed to sharing her knowledge, encouragement and time with the person in recovery because ironically (her practice title) she has a vision of sanity and sobriety for her clients. She works hard to help them reach their goals. She has a firm belief that recovery is possible and her clients learn to trust and regain themselves with her help. I recommend her highly and hope that others will see the value of having someone willing to walk by their side as they begin to regain the confidence they need to be an active member in their own lives.

Harriette Rovner Ferguson, LCSWR

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